Firmware Wishlist

Here’s my firmware wish list…

1: Battery life improvement! The wide discrepancy in power consumption between MP3 and Vorbis needs to be addressed. Given Vorbis is a more modern and more CPU intensive codec I can understand some difference, but the current situation is silly. 

2: Better navigation! With the ability to load so many tracks - between the built in storage and what can be added via SDHC - just scrolling doesn’t cut it anymore. We need at least an “alphabetic jump” option to make this less tedious. If someone has an even more clever idea I’m open to suggestions, but we need SOMEthing!

3: Faster library refresh! I’ve got an 8GB Class 4 MicroSDHC  about 75% full of songs, and whenever I update my netcasts it takes 10 minutes plus for the database update to grind grind grind to completion.

4: Allow playlists for “Podcast” material! I listen to three different tech netcasts from the network, and I want to listen to them in overall chronological order … and a playlist is the only way I know of to accomplish this. I’d like to be able to take advantage of some of the extra features the Clip+ offers for “Podcast” (I just loathe that term…) material, but right now I’m forced to decide between them and listening to the shows in the proper order.