Dead Sansa Clip

I have been a Sansa CLip user for a year and a half and have recommended them.  Mine went dead sometime after my last Gym session last week.  When I plugged it in to charge nothing;  I used some canned air and a hearing aid brush to clean out the USB port still nothing.  Doing the 20 second reset with the USB plugged in did nothing;  however doing the 20 second reset with the USB unplugged woke it up !  Horray  Eureka …  This little unit gets banged around pretty good in my gym bag;  I do have one of those silicon rubber soft cases and that has probably saved it from sweat and drops to the floor.   Like many I had to understand that the charge is meant to do a full discharge and recharge not a “top it off charge”  Once I got thru that minor issue I was good to go and go and go