Clip plays music slowly, lower pitch.

@marvin_martian wrote:

… But to come out and say it will not be addressed on the brand new player? Not cool…

My interpretation of the, erm, announcement is that they knew about the speed problem and decided to stick with the hardware they have, knowing that it’ll be less than perfect. Remember, playback speed isn’t perfect on the Fuze even after the software update because of the hardware limitations (and aren’t they built on the same chip?). Better, yes, but perfect? No. So anyway, they stuck with their Clip+ plans because changing the hardware around at that point was more expensive than losing the vocal minority of forum members (a minority of Sansa owners as well) who 1. could hear the difference, and 2. cared about the Clip-sans-plus speed issues. 

I imagine they will still address it in Clip+ firmware in the next couple of months, if it’s even an issue (I haven’t read through the Clip+ threads yet). There’ll be other bugs to fix as well, I’m sure. It is the nature of new software.