Can you please help me in deciding between Fuze, Clip+ and E270?

Sure, I have all of them, and I rotate between each.  The e200 is my personal favorite, mainly for its solid feel, large screen (for a small device), and its docking capability.  I have a version 2 e280, meaning that the Sansa has a nice AMS processor in there, and the sound is on par with the Fuze and Clip.

I would recommend the Fuze as the current overall winner, as it is small, has wonderful control feel with its combination scroll and button wheel (I like the term “wobble wheel” ). The Fuze has good battery life as well.

The e200 series is the machine of choice if you are a die-hard Sansa Nut as I am.  It is solid like a B-52, can double as a hockey puck, and has a metal shell.  The downsides? The version 1 devices, the most common (an e 270 is a 6GB device, only available as a version 1) ones, use a PortalPlayer (NVIDIA) processor, and they don’t have µSDHC capability without installing Rockbox.  The version 2 devices, relatively scarce these days, have the same AustriaMicrosystems processor as the Fuze and Clip.

The Clip+ is super cool, has nice control feel, µSDHC capability, and is the size of a domino, essentially.  It goes anywhere you are, without having to worry about a suitable pocket.  I’ve sat on the wee beastie, run and cycle with it (though I would not recommend the last of the triathlon, swimming, as water is a bad thing).  Having the headphone connection on the side is eclipsed by the Clip+'s wonderful portability.  The only downside I see to the Clip+ is that its small size means a smaller battery.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy: