3rd Revision: iTunes Playlist to Clip (Mac/OS X) script

Hi, everyone. Kwanzan & people, plz help me!

I installed script in the Script folder and Script icon was shown on the toolbar of iTunes. 

I’ve already send music files into Sanca Clip, it works fine.

Usually, I don’t keep music files in my Macbook, so I put same files in iTunes’s library of my MB and made Playlist.

Click script “iTunes to Clip”, then follow the navigation, script ask me to name .m3u file and place it “MUSIC” by default.

then click “Save”,  after a window shown “Processing Playlist Hits begins now. Turn off status reporting?”, click yes.

after this, this message is shown.  “Track Format Not Supported!!”.After that m3u file is made but file include date only “#EXTM3U”.

 All files are already convert to AAC to MP3 before I use sansa.

Are there any way to solve this?

My system is

OS X  10.4.11

iTunes  7.7.1

Sansa’s firmware version is V02.01.32A

sorry my English.

Thank you!!

Message Edited by shirah-love on 01-08-2010 06:12 AM