3rd Revision: iTunes Playlist to Clip (Mac/OS X) script

teawaste -

Always nice to get feedback. Glad the Fuze is now a viable music device for your Mac system.

FYI, (and for others), I’ve been working on a few fixes to my script (some general improvements to run-time feedback, and also a tiny bug in the way it currently checks for available space on the Clip as it transfers songs. Also, it has been reported to me that under Snow Leopard my .scpt file icon is not appearing in the unpackaged DMG and I am working on fixing that.

I have a list of folks I will email directly when I have the revision and new package complete and will email them directly. You are on that  list as I’m sure you know why.

For those not on that list, my original post on this forum is where I always post updates, as well as a separate post to “announce” a new revision. Since this is not an official business venture, I have not put the time into writing Web software to gather email addresses and create a database of users who have downloaded, so I do not have, at this time, a truly effective way of reaching back to those who have downloaded my software in the distant past. I just have to hope they look here for updates, or periodically check my website. Bit off topic, sorry.

Thanks again, teawaste for your feedback.