Problem With Album Art

Thank you so much for the reply.  I am glad to hear it worked for you.

Based upon your instructions, I think I may be misunderstanding how the album artwork files work here.

In the past, I simply had the artwork embedded in the mp3 file and it would show in the player.  No need to place anything in an album art folder.  This worked flawlessly on the Sansa Clip Zip.  I’ve tested a file with this artwork and it plays fine and shows the embedded artwork not only on the Sans Clip Zop, but also in iTunes, Windows Media Player, Vox, VLC, player and all my Android music apps.  Again, no need for a separate folder, just that mp3 file.

Here is the file: (its only 750 KB)

Does the Clip Sport work differently than everyone else?  What do you think I need to do to get it working?  I may need step by step instructions.

Thanks so much for your help.