Playlists on SD card don't show up in the list

@miikerman wrote:

@chibbs wrote:

@miikerman wrote:

As you just purchased the player, return it and get a full-featured Clp+ or Clip Zip.  The Clip Sport is a player best for specific and a bit limited purposes.

You actually wasted time posting that as a reply.


You might as well have told me water was wet and rocks are hard.

Then I guess I don’t understand why you’re posting here, apart from simply venting your frustration, bashing SanDisk (which you’ve done in repeated threads), and having a knee-jerk reaction against someone actually offering you a positive suggestion.  Seems to me that you would do better not wasting your own time and instead spending your time on returning your player, getting a Clip+ or Zip, and enjoying some music.  But to each their own, I guess.

Look, If you choose to be a SanDisk lemming, have at it.

I don’t appreciate being lied to by the company.

A lie by ommission is still a lie.

SanDisk deliberately withheld the limitations of this device from the public.

Heck, they still do.

You have to actually buy one to see how poor a device it actually is.

They still do NOT publicize the 2000 song limit or the 50 Playlist limit as part of the unit specifications.

That’s unethical.