I finally solved issue(s) to get album cover (meta-data) to show up in Clipsport's little window

Some additional tidbits that I finally figured out is as follows:

So, when you use Window’s “Windows Media Player” to rip (extract) music tracks, you’ll notice

you can get it to generate files that contain images of album-cover artwork.

(As mentioned before, these file can have the attribute “S” (aka ‘System’), and thus can be there but

you won’t/can’t see them, because with default settings, Windows will “hide” these files.)

Additionally, you may notice that it creates about four separate files, with various filenames of

“folder.jpg”, “AlbumArt_{nnnnnnnn}_Small.jpg,” “AlbumArt_{nnnnnnnn_}Large.jpg”, etc.

My theory for why there are all the various naming styles, etc, is that other software (such as all various

manufactures of music-players), are each expecting some certain naming style

I’ve think I’ve determined that our SanDisk mp3-player only really cares/needs the ONE file named “folder.jpg”,

to cause the album-art to show up on 1-square-inch sized window on SanDisk players.

THAT SAID, however, I do NOT recommend that you delete any of the other non-needed album-art files! 

In the scheme of things, these extra files are quite SMALL, so no need to worry about consiuming an

additional TINY amount of stortage space.  And, who knows…maybe sometime in the future, the copies

of all this stuff might get deleted/lost over on your PC, and the only remaining copies of everything might

be the files on your SandDisk MP3 player!  (Thus, since you didn’t delete any of them, you can know that

you’ll have everything you had, to be able to restore it all back onto some newer/other PC)   ! ! !