First track in m3u playlist not shown

Great, I can have MusicBee produce the playlist format M3U(#EXT), with plenty of those comment lines (preceded by #) and they are still recognized by the SanDisk player with no omissions. With this problem solved, I now need to find a solution for the player not showing playlists with unusual characters, such as this:

#EXTINF:270,Alt-J (∆) - Fitzpleasure (The Internet of Odd Future Remix)
\Playlists\Alt-J (∆) - Summer Remix EP\001-Alt-J (∆)-Fitzpleasure (The Internet of Odd Future Remix).mp3
#EXTINF:260,Alt-J (∆) - Fitzpleasure (Jim James ‘Apple C’ Remix)
\Playlists\Alt-J (∆) - Summer Remix EP\002-Alt-J (∆)-Fitzpleasure (Jim James ‘Apple C’ Remix).mp3
#EXTINF:198,Alt-J (∆) - Fitzpleasure (Dave Sitek Remix)
\Playlists\Alt-J (∆) - Summer Remix EP\003-Alt-J (∆)-Fitzpleasure (Dave Sitek Remix).mp3
#EXTINF:217,Alt-J (∆) - Dissolve Me (Ben Lovett Remix)
\Playlists\Alt-J (∆) - Summer Remix EP\004-Alt-J (∆)-Dissolve Me (Ben Lovett Remix).mp3
#EXTINF:246,Alt-J (∆) - Tessellate (Ben De Vries Remix)
\Playlists\Alt-J (∆) - Summer Remix EP\005-Alt-J (∆)-Tessellate (Ben De Vries Remix).mp3
#EXTINF:272,Alt-J (∆) - Ms (Hanz Remix)
\Playlists\Alt-J (∆) - Summer Remix EP\006-Alt-J (∆)-Ms (Hanz Remix).mp3

This playlist is empty, probably because of the ∆ character.

It seems that the firmware on the SanDisk is not very robust.
