Totally disorganized files

Hello Forum Members –

I see that my issues have been posted before but I’ll give it a shot:

I’ve been using the Sport Clip Plus for a few months but once I started uploading more complex CD’s/files I noticed how totally disorganized they are.

For example, I just uploaded Beethoven’s complete Symphonies and piano Sonatas. They got all mixed together in the player; the first movement of Symphony 1 goes into Symphony 7 which goes back to Symphony 1 and then to Symphony 4!!

I then tried to put each Symphony into separate folders but that did nothing. Will changing the # of the track work? Meaning, all files associated with that “Beethoven Symphonies,” should only get one # each? 01, 02, 03, etc? This would mean going in and re-numbering every track.

In addition, this stuff shows up under another name – the conducters!! George Solti. So I went into properties and changed Album Artist to “Beethoven.” Nothing.

I’ll tell you, I never had any of these problems with my old ipod. Are there any fixes for this? The time you need right now to “fix” all this is ridiculous. Help us Sandisk!!

its been awhile. any fix? this is one of the things stopping this player from being my daily

A few ideas to think about.
How are your ID3 tags? The player uses this information to sort and sequence music files in Music Mode.
Did you ever try using Folder Mode?
Did you ever try creating a m3u Playlist with a list of music files in your desired sequence?