track ordering problems

Some quick comments that should help you !!

Only use 2-digit track numbers in the ID tags. (01-99). Do not go over 99 (and do not use 1, 2, 3, etc. Only use 01, 02, 03, etc.

Your album should not be named “unknown album”. This indicates missing album data in the ID3 tag.

If you have more than 99 tracks in one album , then use related & sequential album names.

      Like: My Best, Part A.  My Best, Part B. etc.    Try to keep the album titles within 16 characters.  

Start the track numbering over at 01 with each successive album name.


What happens when you use FOLDER MODE to play these audio files ??

What happens when you create a Playlist (m3u file) with these 180 tracks sorted in order by Filename ??

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