AMS-02 and the Space Shuttle

@neutron_bob wrote:


Steven Hawking is trying his hand at it lately, if you watch the news.  He has stirred up the pot quite a bit in a bold sortie into the political arena, shall we say.  Mon Dieu!


Stick with physics, my friend.


I cannot overstate the importance of study in the sciences.  We’re moving perilously close to the days of the 17th century, where pleasing kings was so closely integrated with scientific endeavors,grappling for support.


I don’t understand why Hawking decided to go in the direction that he did.  It can only draw controversy that’s ages old and will never be resolved.

It’s a shame that the shuttle flights are ending.  And for future needs, the U.S. will look to the Russians for a ride.  Thinking back on the race to the moon and how the nation rejoiced when we were the first to land there, pitch a flag, and hit a golf ball, it seems to be many steps backward.