audiobook bookmarking and loading on memory card

The Clip Zip “steals” your podcast playlist and places the reference titles under books > podcasts, as long as the genre field in the ID3 tags is entered as "podcast".

It’s the same for audiobook files with the genre entered as “audiobook”.

This “quirk” in navigation can be seen on the Clip+ and Clip Zip, if you go to Music > Playlists > and open your podcast title.  The Clip Zip will  display <Empty> in this location, but your books and podcasts will be available under Books > Audiobooks or Podcasts.  On the Fuze+, we have a “dual” navigation capability, as the files can be found via either location.

If your podcasts or audiobooks are on the micro SD card , they can be found via Card from the main menu, or via Books.

For either genre , on the Clip Zip, you will have time elapsed / time remaining displayed, and an automatic bookmark at the last played position.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy: