Sansa Clip Zip battery won't charge, goes straight to song screen

Yesterday, I left the player plugged to the wall charger for a bit, nothing happened.  But when I plugged it iback nto the computer, to my surprise, it showed “connected” and it actually began to charge.  I managed to charged it for a few hours and the battery was up to 98% again.  I unplugged the player then turned it off, thinking I could use it later in the evening.  By the time I needed my sleep music the battery was down to 68%.  I used it anyway and the player stopped player before I fell asleep!  I was too tired to check but this morning I plugged it into the computer and of course it was cristically low again.  I don’t know what happened…  seemed like the battery got drained while the player was turned off.  

I charged it again this afternoon, to 98%,  and I made sure the player was turned off this time.  Two hours later, it was down to 65%. I have just changed it to MSC mode and now charging it again.  I can only hope it will hold the charge this time.