How can I tell if I my e200 is version 1, 2, Or Rhapsody?

Could someone add to the main sticky post in this thread how to identify the version from the version.txt file?

Husband has an e260, what kind we’re not sure.  He got he refresh database freezeup and I’m trying to help him.  Followed the instructions on getting it to start in recovery mode.  I can see the version.txt file but when I tried to download firmware got the ‘Application failed to read the version details’ error, which I am hoping is because it was the wrong version.  Sansa Updater just gives me Updater Service Not Available.

He usually uses it on Vista but I’m trying to fix it on XP Pro sp2.

version.,txt contains:

Version Info: Product Rev.: PP5022AF-05.51-S301-01.01-RN01.02.165-D

Base Code: 05.51-S301-01.01-RN01.02.165-D

ODM Ver.: S301-01.01-RN01.02.165-D

OEM Ver.: RN01.02.165-D
Build Type: -D

Build Date: 2007.04.27

Build Number: (Build 32.10)

(though it runs together in the file)

I thought I bought it from Rhapsody to go with his service but I could be wrong.      This is the first prob he’s had with it.

IF someone can ID the version from this I can try downloading the right firware exe.  Thanks in advance,
