Fuze+ Feedback and Feature Request Thread

24 Hour Option, once more

Folder view, once more


My own addition, parsing m3u & m3u8’s relative to the file.  This in itself, might simply be something that’s fixed with folder view.

On my Fuze.v.1. I put an m3u list on my microSD card and list a few files from the MUSIC/whatever/artist/ folder and the playlist shows up, enumerates, and plays. This same microSD card inserted into my Fuze+  shows the playlist, enumerates it, and then sits there with a songlist that’s as blank as the face of a kid in a school room corner with a dunce cap on his head.

It would be nice if, not only did playlist reading do the same thing it did on the fuze.v.1, but the same thing it does on all my other microsd reading devices that play music.