Confirmed - Micro SD Load Problems due to aac file load failures

@sevenup wrote:

I hope Sandisk really puts in the effort to fix the M4A issue before adding new features (as tracked in another thread).   “AAC compatible” was a HUGE reason in my purchase decision.  I did not want to waste time converting all my iTune collection to mp3 (btw, converting to MP3 is not a solution to a problem ticket).  Hence the “AAC compatible” was what sold me on the upgrade from Sansa Clip.


Now I find out it does not work as advertised, as none of my M4A files work even after the 1.0…17 patch upgrade.  The player continue to get stuck on reindex. Ultimately I gave up and removed all the M4A files from the player.  I honestly need to know if Sandisk intend to fix what they promised.

keep in mind aac support is for nonDRM itunes files. if you ahve a non DRM itunes AAC file that causes issues post it here so we can take a look at the file.