Clip Zip Feedback and Feature Request Thread

1)  Can you please please support album art that is larger than 100kb?  This seems tertiary but it really is an annoying thing to deal with.

2)  Please support high res flac files.  There are a lot of albums available now at 24 bit, 192 KHz.  I own several.  Very annoying to have to resample them or switch to rockbox mode for some albums

  1. I agree that raising the song limit would be nice and I don’t believe it would be that hard.  I also agree with others that the shuffle function ■■■■■, I doubt that would be hard to fix either.  It also seems that, aside from never re-shuffling a playlist, there seems to be a tendancy to play the same artist or even the same song back to back in shuffle mode.  Seriously, this is Bush league stuff.

If you can do these fixes I think a lot of people would be significantly happier with their ClipZ.