Audiobooks, tagging and other issues...

Another oddity:

Using my Mac, I loaded audiobooks and music into both the internal memory and onto a microSD chip that is in the player.

Now I just plugged the player into my Windows 7 machine at work, and _everything (both folders and files) that I loaded onto the player’s INTERNAL memory using my Mac is “invisible” in Windows Explore_r. (Not only that, but now I can see 4 preinstalled folders of sample music that were "invisible on my Mac!)  But Windows Explorer does correctly show that the internal memory is full, even if it’s not showing the files filling it.

In contrast, when I use the Windows 7 machine to look at the EXTERNAL MEMORY (the microSD ship) I CAN see the folders I installed with my Mac, but NOT the actual audio folders.

Why is it that the stuff I installed on the internal memory using my Mac is not visible in Windows? (And seemingly vice versa.) 

This was never a problem with my Clip+. I could use my Mac or Windows machine interchangeabley to place, view or remove files on my Clip+.

Is there anything I can do to “fix” this? Or are there any workarounds?


Edit: I should add that not only could I use the Clip+ interchangebly on my Mac or Windows machine, but I’ve always been able to do this with thumb drives as well.  But for some reason the Clip Zip isn’t playing well…