Want Safe Ejection of a Cruzer Edge 8GB

I have Safe Ejection again:

Here’s how I cleared my problem by using an untouched, fresh new, Cruzer 8GB:

i) I saved everything on the NTFS reformatted & renamed Cruzer 8GB which Win7 reported as non-removale after I 'messed with it.

ii) I copied everything from a FAT32 formatted, freshly purchased, Cruzer 8GB, which Win7 reported as removable to the drive in i)

             now the drive in i) was reported as removable

iv) Finally I replaced the data saved in Step i) above, onto the problem Cruzer drive

Guess I’ll put up with the extra files. This is much better than rebooting each time i wish to remove a ‘thumb drive’; even though I have a faster booting SSD C: drive.

So thanks for the attempts to clear my puzzle.