USB Ultra Flair SDCZ73 32GB/ 64GB 3.0 - Write Speeed only 25MB/s

I bought a 32GB Ultra Fit one. Its cache is 1GB.
I think its the best and only correct answer I’ve found after some days!
I test your solution and you’re correct.
But it’s not efficient way to reach highest performance of flash! Why?
Let’s calculate!

You must let flash to SLEEP at least 30secs to clear its cache. If you don’t stop copying, about 600MB will copy within this time.
Until now, normal method is 600, and pause/resume method is 0. Come on! I went ahead :smiley:

After this, the flash will resume with about 60MB/s. But after about 15-20 seconds, its cache will fill up again! :frowning:
In this time, the normal way copies about 400MB!

0+1000 = 600+400 :smiley:

So we should be a satisfied good boy and don’t protest for speed drop of ultras -_-