USB Flash Drive showing up as LOCAL DISK

I have the same problem as discussed here.

I had a 64Gb Cruzer Extreme, worked perfectly.

Unfortunately I lost it.

Bought another one and now have a problem.

On my Win8 laptop the drive is not working, I only get “USB device not recognised”…jada jada malfunctioned.

On other computers it works but only as local drive.

As I understand it there are different model numbers for the units.

My current not working unit has SDCZ80-064G-G46.

On this page

it says that the one there ending in X46 is a newer model of this:

I dont have access to the box of old unit right now, but that one came in box. The new one came in a Bubble pack.

Its not mentioned anywere on Amazon or the packing that this is Windows 8 certified, or that it will appear as a Local Drive, or my case not working at all in my Win8 laptop.

Im gonna return this item, but how are one supposed to know which model is the removable one?

Very very bad of SanDisk indeed.