Will ReadyCache have a driver for Windows 10?

ExpressCache AKA Readycahce is greate product. Almost I did not need SSD/SSHD before Win10.

My PC is Lenovo ThinkPAD e430. It has optional small size of SanDisk mSATA SSD in it.

I modified the PC a bit that I replaced origiunal DVD drive to HDD as D:.
Of casue I replaced origonal C: to high performance SSD too.
I used ExpressCache for the D: drive. It was super awesome!!
But, now, I only have the alternatives that are SSD/SSHD and sad.

I have a request for future ExpressCache release.
Until ver 1.0.0, it has exclude drive option. It excludes a drive from the cacheing.  For multiple drive users like me, it is useful option.
Could you come it back life again in the future release? Or implement selective drive option?

Thanks in advance!!