Won't stop running

I have an older XP system with limited resources.  My My Book Essential is ignoring the setting I have set to only conduct backups when computer is idle.  When it is running, light is blinking, I literally can’t do anything else on computer. 

I want to set this to only run backups at night. 

I have the latest version of the WD smartware and I do have it set in settings to only run backups when computer is idle, but it is ignoring that.

Any help would be sincerely appreciated


Unfortunately, is not possible to set scheduled backups using WD Smartware. The software runs continuously in the background monitoring your system for changes and backing up files as needed. 

Perhaps you will need to use a third party application such as Windows  Backup which will scan your system for changes based on a scheduled interval such as date, time, etc…

Or you can try pausing the backup until you want to run it again.  Sometime’s that frees up the resources. 

Thread moved to WD Software & Accessories : WD Smartware.


Thanks Nesvic and Wayne.  Both great suggestions, thank you, I learned about the pause button just yesterday. 


I’m glad it worked for you.

I agree! I also have WDSmartWare set up to backup the folders and files I select, but it constantly runs, and never seems to end.

I was reading documentation on Smatware, and it talked about only saving Microsoft Outlook (pst) files “once per day, because they constantly change”. So, it appears that SmartWare already has the ability to do this.

What would be an EXCELLENT software enhancement, for the “backup folders/files” method of backing up… would be if there was a simple checkbox, that when enabled, directed the software to “backup once per day”. (WDC, please consider this as a software enhancement request!)

I’m also not how the software actually works now… For example, let’s say I’ve configured it to backup the entire contents of a folder (and all subordinate files within that folder). What happens when one file in that folder changes. Does SmartWare backup the entire folder/files again, or will it only attempt to back up the one changed file?

This could have a serious affect on how well (or poorly) the backup software works. For example, if I select a folder for an application I use a lot, and that application happens to have an .INI file or something in it that changes all the time, SmartWare might be trying to constantly back up that entire folder non-stop. Not what I want!

Again, I think a good solution would be for SmartWare to allow me to enable a feature that basically says “look for files to backup once per day only”

I am having the same issue the WD SmartWare software is using 70 - 80 percent of the CPU resources.  Please HELP