I had an old IOMAGIC drive, in which me and my wife kept our music in separate folders. It was on USB to our main desktop PC with Windows7. The external drive died. I always backup my data to another drive. I purchased a WD USB Passport 2GB drive. I believe it came preformated NTFS with some programs on it. I copied the old folders from my backup drive, to the Passport drive. Now, on the Desktop PC, in Media Player, I can see my music on both the desktop and the Passport drive. However, I cannot see my wife’s music anymore that is located on the Passport, even though I can see her music that is on the Desktop via the Meda player. Yes, if I wanted to, I can go directly (via WIndows Folders) to the Passport and look up her music. BUT, I want to see her music, like I use to do, via Media Player, because my TV, in the other room is DLNA capable and was able to see both our music via Media Player, but now it sees neither. And of course, when she is logged in with her account, she can see her music on both the desktop and Passport, but she can only see my music that resides on the desktop and not my music on the Passport. Is this an issue of formatting? I have shared the Passport with FULL RIGHTS TO EVERYONE. And in Media Player, we share out the folders as well. Is it a matter of the Passport drive?
Thank you in advance for your help.