Windows Media to Sandisk Media

Love my 8g FUZE very early stages of learning  How do I get my stuff from Windows Media to Sansa media.  This has got to be a simple process, but I am dense etc. etc.  Downloaded Sansa Media this a.m. Have been using Windows Media for past couple of days (we’ve only been in love for 4 days).

So…how do I move my songs, playlists & etc from W.M. to S.M?  Show me the path to enlightenment.

Ok What  are you trying to add? I am going to guess that when you say sansa Media you mean Sansa Media Converter. If this is indeed the case and all you are trying to add is music then you can add it to your player from Windows Media player. If you are trying to add Videos you can find the instructions on other threads here on the forum

It’s probably best to start here.

The Sansa Media Converter is a whole different beast than Windows Media Player. Although both at times are unruly. As said already, if you’re only goal is to add music, WMP will do it or you can do it yourself if you don’t mind a little dragging & dropping. You’re more in control, but some ‘masochists’ enjoy the convenience of WMP.

If you’re just getting started, I’d advise getting the transference of music and/or photos down first, before tackling videos. Spend some time here and on the Sansa Media Converter board reading about the trials & tribulations of such an undertaking before trying it yourself. :wink:

It’s probably best to start here.


The Sansa Media Converter is a whole different beast than Windows Media Player. Although both at times are unruly. As said already, if your only goal is to add music, WMP will do it or you can do it yourself if you don’t mind a little dragging & dropping. You’re more in control, but some ‘masochists’ enjoy the convenience of WMP.

If you’re just getting started, I’d advise getting the transference of music and/or photos down first, before tackling videos. Spend some time here and on the Sansa Media Converter board reading about the trials & tribulations of such an undertaking before trying it yourself.

One must walk before learning to run. :wink:

thank you all very much.