I bought a new “my passport wireless” from Amazon, as soon as it arrived I downloaded some files by cable in order to try it potentiality, my big disappoint was when I saw the incredible slowly data transfer it has (it take 20 sec to open a jog by 1mb).
I guess (I want do it) that may be some setup or some action that I didn’t do and for this I would to know if some one else had or have my same issue, I hope yes because like this is unusable
Hi Sergino, see if the following info on page 56 of the manual is useful.
“There may be interference in your environment that is conflicting with the drive’s Wi-Fi channel or Wi-Fi bandwidth as the drive supports 2.4Ghz band. Interference may come from Wi-Fi devices, microwaves, or other wireless appliances. Advanced users may want to set a different channel on the Settings screen.”
I had same issue at first. The default channel got interferrence, and I needed to get into advanced screen and select another channel for the MPW. I have an app that helped me find a clear channel. if you don’t have this, just pick a channel other than 1, 6 or 11 for starters. Move away from any electronics, too, like the PC --.that helps a lot, too.
Hi guys, tank’s for your help, any way I found by my self the issue.
I wrote that as soon as arrived I downloaded some file, in real as soon as arrived I partitioned and I formatted it in a wrong file format, then when I understood it I re set as it was in the begin and start to work properly. Now it goes at a speed which I expected.
Tank’s and bye
Why do people buy a new drive (with all kinds of software and folders on it,) and immediately format it? I just don’t understand this. BTW, the MPW is formatted in exFAT for a reason – so the drive works with Windows, Macs and Linux machimes. Mine has been working fine with exFAT for a few months now.
mike27oct wrote:
Why do people buy a new drive (with all kinds of software and folders on it,) and immediately format it?
Because in most cases it’s “Bloatware” (but i always, backup the software before fomatting in case it is important)
and also, it can happen (but not that often) the drive could be incorrectly formatted before leaving the factory.
(case in point … mine was formatted GPT which isnt compatible with Windows XP)
So, i formatted it NTFS (MBR)
mike27oct wrote:
BTW, the MPW is formatted in exFAT for a reason – so the drive works with Windows, Macs and Linux machimes.
exFAT isn’t compatible with any of my WDTV Media Players (which i do like to connect MPW via usb on occasions) and mine’s also been working fine with NTFS for a few months now
Why the other people do it I don’t know, why I did it is because I have my specific needs and the unique way to check if I could satisfied them was experience it personally ( there were not other experience for test them). Now my experience, I hope, will be useful for other member.
Joey >>> exFAT isn’t compatible with any of my WDTV Media Players (which i do like to connect MPW via usb on occasions) and mine’s also been working fine with NTFS for a few months now
Strange that it is not compatible with the WDTV. Anyway, I prefer differently: I keep my MPW connected in Home Network mode and can see it on WDTVs as both a media server and a network share. To make this more effective, the MPW is plugged into its AC power adapter for continual charge and is kept near my router for maximum wireless signal between MPW and router.
I have had better performance by changing/forcing the My Passport Wireless, to a specific change instead of letting the unit choice the change also.
There are many apps for Smartphone, to check used used W-Fi changes.
The problem is there is a lot of devices that use the 2.4GHZ band, including microwaves (stay away from the kitchen).