On my passport wireless device the WiFi LED never lights, It doesn’t matter how long I keep it pushed nor how many times
The manuals all assume WPS is simple and just connects you., but this (defective) protocol is not supported by my Freebox (France) router because WPS is NOT secure.
Unfortunately all the manuals assume that it just works, but it doesn’t.
I can see other people asking for WPA support and I am really disappointed that Western Digital relies on protocols such as WPS which is proven to be insecure as long ago as 2011.
I have another Yamaha HiFi device that also uses WPS to connect to my router, but at least on that device there is an alternative method to configure the WiFi setting using IOS family share.
Its seem WD doesn’t care.
According to the distributor where I bought it – Boulanger – the just tell me to change the router. Lol that is part of my service provider contract, I can’t change it.
Was my money spent for nothing then ? Any solution?