WDC 2TB MyPassport Need Help
I plug my hdd in
LG 3D LED (32LB620B)
to watch movies
and when i browse my movies
it only display LG_DVR_000000
but i dont have " any file " like that in my hdd
so i disconnect it, and check it in my pc here,
in windows 7 pc it show corrupted (need to format disk)
and if i try to open my hdd it show
" The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable "
in windows xp pc,
my hdd is not corrupted and only appear LG_DVR_000000 file
that used space size is 1.32MB only
but my whole hdd the real used space is 1.75TB
it means all my movies & memorable pictures & other files
are gone and replace by that only 1 file…
please help me how recover my files
what i am going to do?
Pls help