Just installed my new WD Black 512GB NVMe PCI-e drive and when I view it in the latest version (2) of the WD SSD Toolkit it says the Lifetime Remaining and Temperature fields are Unsupported for this drive. I also noticed that every time I enter the e-mail notification screen the activation box is unchecked even though I just setup the notification process, I would expect the activation box to remain checked until manually unchecked.
The toolkit says I am running the latest version of the software and the latest drive firmware. The software is dated from last year so apparently WD has some work to do fixing the bugs and apparently it is in no hurry to correct the problems.
It looks like many others are complaining about the software as well. I am already regretting not spending a few dollars more to get a Samsung 960 NVMe PCI-e with working software…
I have that same drive installed on an Intel NUC7i5BNH and the WD dashboard shows me life remaining and drive temp. You might want to check with your computer/motherboard manufacturer to see if there is a bios update available for your computer.
You seem to have a newer (B359) version of firmware although the SSD Toolkit says I have the latest (B355) and I do not see any firmware downloads for this drive listed on their support page. I have the latest BIOS installed for my ASUS Maximus VIII Hero motherboard.
I should have mentioned that I am running x64 Windows 7 Ultimate which does not have native NVMe support so I had to manually load Microsoft NVMe drivers. NVMe drivers are native to Windows 8/10 so if you are running one of those OS versions they may be passing additional data on that the Windows 7 drivers do not.
I did some temperature readings with my thermal heat tool since I can not see them in the SSD Toolkit. I then removed the SSD and added a double sided thermal heatsink and reinstalled it. The temperature seemed quite a bit lower now when running disk benchmarks. I did not measure it hitting the 40 degree Celsius mark now where as before I was reading temperatures in the mid to high 50s.
I see your temperature is noted at 38 degree Celsius so I would be interested to know if you are running a heat sink on yours as well. If you are not then maybe my thermal heat tool is just measuring differently than the onboard heat sensor. Either way mine seems to be running quite a bit lower with the heatsink attached.
I would have liked to compare what the SSD Toolkit measured compared to my thermal heat tool. My thermal heat tool measured a difference of 3-5 degrees just along the length of the SSD so I have no idea where the onboard heat sensor is actually measuring from.
My disk benchmarks show a little over 1800 MB/s on reads and a little over 800 MB/s on writes.
The way my NUC is setup, I can’t use my thermal heat gun to check the temperature. Also, the firmware installed on my drive is the one that was already installed when I purchased this drive 1 or 2 months ago.
I’m also running Windows 10 v.1709 16299.251
Here are the Crystaldiskmark results I got with this drive:
My guess is that it is either that you are on Windows 10 or the different firmware. I have a couple of other brand SSDs laying around, I will have to try hooking them up and loading their SSD toolkits to see if the temperature shows. That probably will not tell me much as I only have one M.2 slot and the other SSDs are not M.2 but if they do not show temperature then it is something other than the SSDs.