i am using a wd passport and i want to use it in my ubunut linux laptop
but wd softwares are just for windows
how can i encrypt my drive and make backup with my portable drive on linux?
At this moment WD Drive Utilities, WD SmartWare, WD Backup, and WD Security are not supported on Linux.
You will need a Windows-based or Mac-based system.
I have a Ubuntu laptop and I use the Deja Dup Backup Tool (from the Ubuntu Software Centre) to do my backups to a hard drive attached to my modem. You could try this to backup to the WD passport.
I used to run Windows 7 and had purchased a 1 tb WD USB drive. Since that time I have switched over to only Linux. I also picked up a second 3 tb WD USB drive. I use backup software found in the distros as well as scripts executing tar.
I found a problem with saving to an NTFS formated drive, which WD drives are. The problem is some of the folder/file names in Linux are not allowed in NTFS. So, I reformatted my drives as EXT4. EXT4 allows a partition size up to 16TB.
However, beware that if you format as EXT4 you will not be able to read the drive from a Windows 0S.
sad support… is there an update to have an already payed sw on linux too?
rsync and ecryptfs have been available for Linux since, forever? at least Linux kernel 2.6.19 and now we are at 5.17, about 17 years. Many of the WD software are now EOL and no longer supported. Even kddfs can be supported on Linux with mchfuse and other fuse implementations.