The WD Software processes should not automatically start up when you log on. The software should only start up when you attach the drive and completely shut down when you remove the drive. I hate seeing the icon in system notification area on task bar when the drive is not connected.
This really [Deleted] Just bought myself a 2nd 1TB MyBooks and it has the SmartWare on it. The 1st one does not have it. Got the following qs for the SmartFolks of WDC :
WHY has this been forced on the consumer??
WHY have you put it in the firmware?? Could have kept it on a sector which could have been removed??
WHY have you presumed that EXTERNAL HDD (emphasis on external!!) is ONLY used with computers???
I require the HDD to connect to my DVR’s which can record my required program. Thankz to your fantastic idea, the DVR’s don’t recognize this external drive.
Give me a firmware that will COMPLETELY remove this piece of junk that I did not ask for.
PS: The firmware update and VCD Manager mod does not work on the DVR setup. That is fine only for computers.
That’s the point of the continuous backup software. It starts up when the computer starts, and it shuts down when the computer shuts down. If you want, you can us the Pause button on SmartWare to stop the software from running when the drive isn’t connected.