I’ve been trying to back up my files for 5 days now and I am starting to get sick of this. Every time I try to back up my files, it will run good and back up the files, and then I have to go to bed and turn the PC off. When I turn the PC back on the next day and attempt to run a backup and continue where I left off, it just sits at “Copying Files” and makes no progress. I have left it sit for 2 hours and it didn’t do a single thing. No drive activity on my main HDD or on the external.
I have it plugged into a USB 3.0 port.
The program is on the latest version
Do not tell me to uninstall and reinstall the program, I have done that 3 times now and all it does is just start the backup over again from the beginning, and rechecks the files, and ■■■■■ up more time.
I tried to install an older version of the program, but the installer hangs and then freezes up.
I have no idea why it keeps doing this and I might have to end up just using Windows backup from now on if this program continues to be garbage.