I’m using a WD Passport with WD Smartware for backuping my personal files on my desktop computer.
I have the following problem: Whenever I reboot or send my computer to standby, the backup-serivce stop backuping files an cannot be activated again unless I reinstall WD Smartware. Even then it only works till I suspend or reboot the computer again.
This is quite a problem because I cant use the backup-function of my Passport-drive this way.
I tried to change the backup-sheudle from permanent to hourly but the problem still exisits. Also I tired to restart the service manually but then it didn’t start backuping either.
There are no error-messages or warings.
I hope someone can help me.
Thank you very much.
Update: I renamed the backup-folder on my Passport-drive and the backup-service started backuping files again. Maybe the archive gets corruped when the system is restarted while the service is still running as this post (in german) suggests: https://wdc-de.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5129/~/wd-smartware-wird-nach-einem-computer-neustart-nicht-mehr-ausgef%26%23252%3Bhrt