WD Smartware 2.2

I have the backup scheduled for once daily, late evening.  However, sometimes I want the backup to run earlier, or I need to disconnect the WD drive for a while so I would like to use “backup now” before removing the drive.  However, when I select that button, nothing happens.  It does not “backup now” when I tell it to.  I’ve also noticed that although I have scheduled an automatic backup for 10:00 p.m. daily, the backups are not actually being done for 30 to 40 minutes after that time.  Is there anything that can be done about this? 

Using Windows 8.

Hi, I did a test just know and it worked, when you click the backup now button, if the left column is Blue, the backup is already complete. Smartware will not backup a file when is in use by another program, so try closing any programs that might be using the files that you want to backup. Check if you have the latest Smartware version installed (2.2.0).

Smartware update



I’ll explain the process I am using. From the systray, I left click the Smartware icon and choose WDSmartware to open the program. From there I click on the Backup tab.  From there, the little clock button at the bottom of the window.  This brings up a box showing the last backup, missed backup, and next scheduled backup.  When I click on the backup now button, and I see at the top of the larger window that  a certain number of Gb have been copied, backup successfully accomplished, in the smaller window, I would expect to see the last backup being that particular time.  When I tried it just now, it took a few minutes but it did work as I would have expected.  The night I ended up starting this thread, it simply wasn’t happening.  I do wonder, though, if there is something running in the background that is keeping it from backing up right away.  I’ll keep an eye on the situation.  I’ve noticed that my scheduled backups are often being done 15 to 30 minutes or more later than the time I’ve set in the schedule.   Maybe some running process is causing this.

I do have the latest Smartware version installed.  :slight_smile:

Hi again, check for any programs that might be delaying the backup, you can post back here if the problem continues.