I need to reinstall the WD SES Driver on my new computer, but unfortunately I lost the Extra folder which contained this driver. I tried to get the driver installed automatically through internet when the Found New Hardware Wizard screen popped up, it failed.
Then I downloaded the WD SES Driver and unzipped it. It comes with four files (wdcsam.cat, wdcsam.inf, wdscam.sys, and wdcsam64.sys) in one folder. Now what should I do with these files?
Thanks for the tip,Joe. But seems it didn’t work out this time either. I manually installed it this time when the Found New Hardware Wizard screen popped up.
I have tried Install the software automatically/Install from a list or specific location. Both options at last leave me with the screen saying Cannot Continue the Hardware Update Wizard The wizard could not find a better match for your hardware than the software you currently have installed.
I just can’t figure it out how to get the problem solved. Any tips would be appreciated.