WD Passport Issues with USB3.0 Extension

Hiya guys, I have just installed a USB3.0 PCIe card on my PC, installed drivers, and it works flawlessly when anything is connected directly to it, but when I use an extension cable (USB3.0) on the WD Passport, it wont transfer files it just hangs? I have tried 4 different USB3 extension cables, and a hub with the same results, how can I fix this? I need an extension badly otherwise it means pulling my tower out everytime I want to use USB3.

I’ve just joined this community, and maybe I should just sit and watch before I jump in, but this might just be something that happened to me some time ago.
Firstly, I assume that the WD Password does not have its own power supply. If that’s the case, there is a limit to the length of the connecting cable. If the cable is too long, the power supplied by PC is not enough to power the drive. At least that was the explanation I got when I had a very similar problem with my first ever external HD, a 500GB S**gate model. It came with a very short USB cable. It worked but the cable was so short that I couldn’t put the drive in a convenient place. I went out and bought a longer cable, and the drive no longer worked. The suggestion I got then in some other forum was to get a powered USB hub. That worked and I never had any problems since.
I hope my answer wasn’t too far off target…