Wd mybook external hard drive doesnt come up on my computer\

My external hard drive just one day stopped coming in when I plug in it and I always tried to see whats the matter. When I plugged it in I hear it power on but I noticed that if I move the ss plug a certain way I see the drive come up in device manager but it doesn’t come up on my computer at all . Not sure if how to access the drive and get all my data off the drive. Please help/ Im trying to search online for an update but its taking forever. Any suggestions. Thanks I actually ordered a new plug ss from wd but I don’t know what I can do .

Im running windows 10 . Please help .

Are you talking about order a new USB cable or the power adapter? The USB cable and power adapter you can order from any online store. They don’t have to be WD brand. Just remember, the power adapter voltage need to be 12V and the amp could be in the range of 2-3amps