Hello there,
I’m facing this strange problem happening only using this new MyBook Essential 3TB (USB2/3) connected to my Macbook Pro (2011 quad core model) through a self-powered hub. I’m using this unit for Time Machine so it’s always on and connected. When I put the Mac to sleep seems the unit is not shut down (or maybe it is already sleeping) and when resuming the workstation I get a “drive not ejected properly” warning saying there could be a data loss…
This never happened with another MyStudio Passport (FW800) or with another brand USB external unit, still connected through a hub. I’ve checked there are no “sleep” checkboxes in the system preferences and in the WD Smartware configuration.
Any ideas?? It’s a very annoying issue and I really don’t want to risk losing data… although manually ejecting the disk each time before going into sleep is really impossible to remember…