Hi everybody,
I have this problem…
I recently bought a 3TB MyBook Drive to have as a storage device for movies and music and i connect it
on the USB of my TV. The point is that i see the folders and some of the files but not all of them, i can see many off them (almost half). The drive has about 400g free space.
Anyone knows anything about this problem on TVs?
problems with TV’s and Hard Drives …
The maximum capacity supported … (2TB in a lot of cases, particularly old TV’s)
The partition type supported … either MBR or GPT (MBR in a lot of cases, since that partition table is limited to 2TB)
The file system supported … eg. NTFS, FAT32, exFAT etc
The video file types supported eg. containers and codecs.
Your TV not showing all the files could be caused by any of the above.