WD My Passport Ultra not initialized

I have wd my passport ultra 1tb external hard drive.It was workin properly yesterday but today it is showing not initialised.

please help

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I’m going to need help on this same matter too, cause I been to taht same screen but it stil refuses to initialise- saying the size is less than the minimum size required for GPT disks

yes, i am facing exactly the same problem

Yes me too facing this problem !! It would be very kind, if any could fix this issue without loosing the data ! plz plz plz

Same problem here on my My passport.

It weas connected to my TV, reading a wmv file when it stopped suddenly ( hd to reboot the TV)

Since then I cannot connect it.

99% of the time, it is not at all recognized.

The LED is switched on, I can hear the HD spinning. From tme to time it seems to stop

And couple of times I have seen it not initalised in the disk management …

I am not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this question (new to forum) but I have a similar, although not identical problem.

I, too, have an Ultra which is reported as having “mince” on the disk and assume that far from the data having been erased but that the File Allocation Table (FAT) has been corrupted. I intend to use “Recuva” on that drive in an attempt to restore the drive, but have not done that yet. Neither have I connected or attempted to use that drive since the failure occurred.

Has anyone tried this? Success?

Further (and having just purchased a re-purposed mini-tower computer to complement the laptop and of which I am most pleased)

Can anyone direct me to a thread which deals with USB 3.0 problems relating to “My Passport Ultra” ?

I am fitted with VIA (Hyperion) XHCI driver (V4 - 208 - AP) running under WIN 7)
(because WIN 8 was an absolute abortion)
(because WIN 9 - died - stillborn)
and because WIN 10 is being advertised so utterly desperately, that no-one, in their right mind, is ever going to purchase it, even when they have to flog it for free. (If I wish to so thoroughly destroy a piece of equipment - I can use a blow-lamp).

Even when the “card” and “driver” is reported as “operating” under WIN 7 -

the “Ultra” does not exist in USB 3.0 but does exist under USB 2.0 on other ports. (and before anyone asks, I am using the BLUE USB 3.0 cables to interconnect).

VIA / Hyperion are blaming Western Digital.
Western Digital are blaming VIA / Hyperion
both of them are blaming Macrosoft (deliberate)

can anyone in these companies read numbers?

For god’s sake - it’s only 11001 01101 etc


Brian Moffat (Scotland) Country not recognised by Western Digital