My Western Digital USB 3 Had Drive is not available in windows 7 Professional x64. This suddenly happened after upgrading My 250 GB Samsung SSD to a 500GB SSD and I have read as many threads as it took to make me ask a question (Days of threads, and fixes, Grrr) and No Luck. I am hoping that these screen shots may help.
To Begin With, Western Digital SmartWare shows my drive perpetually “Discovering”
*Image Removed Because I am a new User and can only post 2 images The ones below seemed more informative
USB Safely Remove Devices, Shows the WD MyBook, even the “icon”
Device Manager Shows Error Code 10 device cannot start, I have uninstalled all and rebooted, the entries return. I have a USB Keyboard and mouse and have removed all other USB Devices BUT the Generic Flash HS Combo/CF keeps returning. (I Did have a USB Flash Card Reader, previously, but it is not plugged in.)
The Western Digital Drive Was Drive “G:” does not show up in DevMgmt.msc. ( I Dare not upload that image the last took forever to load, and I fear I am pushing my luck.
I have inspected the physical, (No Drive Clicks, or any sounds but drive spinning happily/quietly)
Replaced the USB 3.0 Cable that came with the Drive and tried 2 other Known Good Cables
I have run the Associated Microsoft Fixits.
I have Read MS KB Articles mostly having me Delete the USB upper and lower filter registry keys.
I am in process of posting this same problem to Microsoft, AND Samsung however I have no problems with the SSD, or USB in General, IE Other USB Devices Work.
I have a Brand New 3TB WD Drive Standing By, with multiple enclosures, and or Server Bay options standing by, but I REALLY Need the Data, this is the Second tier of my backup and because of the drive rotations It is now my primary.