WD My Book Essential not working

My hard drive started making a weird repetitive noise about a month ago. I noticed it was no longer recognized on my iMac. I unplugged and just recently plugged back in (about a month after hearing initial noise) to get it working again. I never thought that I wouldn’t be able to get it to show up in Disk Utility on my Mac. When plugging in it sounds like it is booting but then goes silent and never shows up in any shape or form. The led light just blinks but doesnt sound like its spinning after initial boot up attempt. I downloaded the WD Drive Utilities and that isnt even detecting a drive. I have very important files on here from past clients that I need to get off :frowning: any help or troubleshooting ideas would be great. I have tried a different cable and powersource. I also tried plugging into a different Mac and still nothing.

Your drive is making sound?
–Could be a possible physical damage.

Luckily, it showed on Disk Utility?May be for a while?
Recovering data from a hard drive that flip-flops on Mac is not guarenteed. You may try running a software but I am not sure if the software will work on your drive.

Data recovery service. But wait they are costly!

Leaving you with the article