Hi community.
It seems that i’m having an unsolvable problem with my Western digital (My book) 8tb external drive, And the reason i’m asking here is that the support ticket will not accept the serial number of the drive (For some reason).
Problem is that my drive is not recognised by windows,??, Tried it on both win 7 and win 10 and none of them detected it. BUT!!! if i run a windows memory diagnostic (takes 2 hours), The test don’t find any memory errors but the drive becomes visible again???, Or i boot into safe mode and then restart windows from there (Goes for both win 7 and 10) Ii’s detectable again and works flawlessly (It’s detected in both safe mode and after i restart from there, As soon as i disconnect it from the USB port, It’s gone and don’t come back if i reconnect it).
The drive also seems to work perfect???, No clicking sounds, Passed 3 disk check tools, Passed CMD prompt chkdsk with no errors, All my video files plays as they should, No error reports from the drive or windows, 6 months old and never been mistreated (I simply don’t get it???).
I actually found the solution with booting into safe mode on this forum, But what do i do after it’s been made visible again, How do keep it from dissapear again after i disconnect it???
I tried changing drive letter.
I checked in power manegement that it’s not set to be turned off
There are “NO” errors on the drivers in Devicemanager
I tried unistall/reinstall the drivers for it (When it was visible of course)
When it’s not detectable i can’t find it in devicemanager/Diskmanegement or file explorer, Actually it seems that windows just forgets it’s there, When it is detectable it shows up as an healthy partition??.
If there are any External drive wizard willingly to give me some advice i would be very thankfull, It drives me bonkers and seems unsolvable, Last option is reformat it (I just don’t have anywhere to store the data from it).