Dear all,
Thank you for your great posts. In my opinion, they are very helpful!
Please excuse the long text while I explain the purpose of this post.
I received a WD easystore (no SSD4) 1 TB external hard drive back in December 2017. I was able to backup the information from my MacBook until January 2018. Back then, the computer seemed have had a “virus” or similar situation. There was no explicit explanation of the case from the apple representative in the store.
As of today, I have made three attempts (all unsuccessful) to do a backup using time machine. There are 874 GB of 1 TB still available, which, in my opinion is plenty of space. Also, in case it helps, my computer has only 4 GB of memory.
The external hard drive was not unplug and the computer is charging in the process without being used. I was wondering if you know how to confirm it is not infected and make it work to be able to use it.
Thank you in advance for your time and help.
Looking forward to hearing back from you!
Kind regards,