Hello all!
This is my 3rd elements Hard disk with the same problem…
First 2 of those was 400GB and this one 2TB…
Nothing happen and i cannot have access to my extrernal disk!
I was thinking that may there is no more capacity to save data…
I see 300 GB more but may want more free space to run…
Sooooo, now i can see my disk at “My compturer” meny! Not like before! There isn’t a blue icon writes elements, just a simple grey icon of a disk of windows… I cannot open, when i press, stucks my laptop! I can see disk at manage but it seems like is all free… And sometimes say to me to initialize! I don’t know if it lets me to format cause this is my last solution… I need 1,5 TB data on it… I changed letter drive from “I” to “X”, nothing happen… I try all my usb ports… i uninstall it and install again, writes ok, no error to installation…i see a “loading window” but then it closes without ask me what windows do with this disk, like always…
It seems there isn’t an hardware error… I’m saying that cause i downloaded from here “Western Digital Data LifeGuard Diagnostics” and run a simpe test… Writes error for bad sectors… Now i’m running an extended test but it still wants about 15 hours!!
Have you any ideas what to try for having access to my datas??
Format is the last solution, if all other solution not working…
Is there any updates to try or programms to check??
Is there any programm that let me delete some files in case that is full of datas…
Can you tell some disk repair programm i can try??
Thank you all!!