Hi there, I have a WD Elements External Hardrive and use a MAC [OSX 10.9.3]. I erased and also tried repair and verified disk using ‘Disk Utility’. It appears empty when I open it in finder there is nothing there. But when I go to save something on it, it won’t save and says disk full, not enough space., even if its a one page word doc. When I go and look at ‘Get Info’ it says Capacity 250 GB, available 39 MB
Any thoughts about what is happening and how I can make it usable again? Thanks heaps. Trees8
I should add when I did the disk repair and verify disk, there were no problems found
Did you try partitioning your hard drive? The way the hard drive was erase could have resulted in a read-only file system.
Try formatting your unit as HFS+ (Mac OS Extended Journaled). Instructions are available in the following link:
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Great! It worked, thankyou so much. :)))))