Hope you can help.
We had a power cut the other whilst my hard drive was running with my pc. My hard rive stores all my music, pictures etc and i was playing music through iTunes when the power cut happened. Since then, just my Music folder has become in accesible to view folders etc however i can still get into other folders and view files no problem, it is just the Music folder which i cant access.
I have read on several websites that when an external hard drive is running and a power cut occurs it can damage the place where you were running a file from. Is this true? If so, how do i get round this?
I have been into the properties section of the external drive and done system errors check but the check wont complete. I have now downloaded the LifeGuard Diagnostics and am running the extended scan right now which is taking some time and has an estimated 10 hours left.
Can anyone help me please?
personally, i would have tried running chkdsk from command line 1st
eg. Click Start (bottom left corner on your desktop) > type cmd > chkdsk /f X: (X is the letter of your HDD)
Hi Joey,
After hours of letting the WD lifeguard check, it came up saying too many bad sectors and didnt complete the check. So that was a waste of time and pretty uninformative. I have just done the chkdsk as you suggested and that has sorted the issue. It showed me the files which were corrupted and deleted them, and replaced.
I forgot to say i did try this before but for some reason i wouldnt work, i think it may have been because i entered in cmd chkdsk :J /f the wrong way around?
Thanks for your help. Going to back up my files.
yes, you got the chkdsk command back-to-front
Quote: Thanks for your help. Going to back up my files.
No probs … that’s a very good idea (backup)
(personally i have 4x 3TB Elements HDD’s (12TB Total) but, 6TB of that is “Backup”)
Got another problem now. Since doing the check disk on the drive , my PC does not recognise the hard drive. It comes up with J: drive but doesn’t show the little wd logo and the elements name. Any ideas?
Hi Joey,
Still no luck with this drive.
When pluggin in the drive i know it’s working as the disc is spinning, the computer makes the noise that it usually makes when something is connected via USB. In my computer It comes up with J: drive but doesn’t show the little wd logo and the elements name. I have tried repeating what i did earlier however it comes up as ‘The type of file system is RAW’ and ‘CHKDSK is not available for RAW drives’.
I have gone into Computer Management>Disk Management> and then it freezes when it trys to locate all drives. I have also tested this without the external hard drive plugged in and the disk management shows all my drives.
What do i do next? Have i lost all my data?
Any ideas?