WD Elements Boot sector - false flag?

I’ve got a WD Elements 2 TB drive, model WDBAAU0020HBK.

I ran some security software on it yesterday (Comodo Cleaning Essentials).

For the first time, I told CCE to also look at the memory and boot sectors which is not the default setting.

It reported threats listed as “Rootkit.HiddenFile” and “Rootkit.HiddenDir.”

What I want to know, is are these files installed on WD Elements drives initially, and is this merely a false flag?

The record reports






.and a list of two dozen other files, similar to




I found this a concern, because I also have one other external Elements drives hooked up and a MyBook Home drive hooked up, but the software didn’t flag anything on them. 

At any rate, I told Comodo Cleaning Essentials to ignore these Boot files.

Are these “Boot” files normal on my Elements drive, or is something troublesome going on here?

Thanks for any input.


Test the drive using the WD DLG tool, if it’s something wrong with the unit, it will let you know.

Check the link below

How to test a drive for problems using Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for Windows

Hi, The Elements doesn’t come with any included software, so you should be able to delete any files.